Serena, Roz & Manny
This web site is your windshield to our adventures from the comfort zone of your own space. The road ahead of us is constantly changing, and so is the content of our web site. Hop aboard, and enjoy the ride!
We’ve got places to see, stories to find, people to meet, experiences to blog, recipes to share, photos to take, and videos to shoot.
We are 2 adventurers traveling in Serena —our Freedom II Serenity RV— and the founding members of the Leisure Travel Vans Ambassador Referral Program, a.k.a. ARP.
We are also the founding members of the Leisure Travels Vans Club, a national discussion group for owners and enthusiasts of Leisure Travel Vans.
I never felt my age or worried about it until I turned 60. For the first time in my life I actually thought about my own mortality. I don’t mean to sound morbid —I still haven’t started reading the obituaries— but the question, “How many good years do we have left?” suddenly loomed very large.
My husband Manuel (a.k.a. Manny) and I had always dreamed of a life of travel when we retired. For his sixtieth birthday in 2007, we took a seven-week trip to Europe. We traveled by plane, train and rented car, starting in Amsterdam so we could relive the Seventies 😎 and ending in Rome, where we immersed ourselves in exquisite antiquity. What a trip!
We are going to travel around the United States and Canada for the next couple of years. Then, we are planning to return to Europe, and continue our adventures in the old world.